วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Step to Install Windows 7

Step to Install Windows 7 or Windows 8 :
  1. Clean Format
  2. Home Premium 32 bit or 64 bit, Ultimate 64 bit, Windows 8.1 Pro & Enterprise preview
  3. Set Regional , Keyboard , Graphic Card, Power Options, Folder Options
  4. Update windows , Driver, Device Manager
  5. Defrag –b %SystemDrive% (cmd in run as administrator)
  6. Windows 7 or Windows 8 Manager + keygen, run wizard, optimized, customize , network
  7. Registry TakeOwnerShip
  8. Winrar 
  9. Teracopy 2.27
  10. uTorrent
  11. Install Dropbox
  12. Inhstall Printer
  13. Use Windows Defender
  14. Microsoft Office 2013 Professional
  15. Medial Player Classic
  16. Adobe Acrobat 11
  17. Nero 12 (Choose customized Install-NeroBurning Rom, Nero Recode, Nero Vision)
  18. Adobe Photoshop CS6
  19. Set Home Group Sharing
  20. AcDSee Pro
  21. EasUS Todo Backup Free Edition 6

